1977 : Recognition of the need for a regional body on adult
1978 : Formation of the Caribbean regional Council for Adult
1980 : Establishment of a Communications Centre (St. Lucia).
1981 : CARCAE and International Council for Adult Education
(ICAE) co-
hosted an international seminar,
during which representatives of the non-
Spanish-speaking Caribbean met to
discuss the proposed structure and
functions of the regional body.
Support from the Commonwealth Fund
for Technical Cooperation for the
formation of National Adult
Education Associations in the Caribbean.
Launching of the first cycle of the
Certificate course in Adult Education.
1983 : Formal incorporation of CARCAE and adoption of a
Formation of the Caribbean
Participatory Research Network.
1986 : Meeting of the Second General Assembly in Trinidad and
Tobago. At that
Assembly, delegates undertook to review
the Council's work and develop a
programme plan which formed the basis of
CARCAE's current programme
1989 : Meeting of the Third General Assembly on Consultation on
Education in the Region in
Georgetown, Guyana. The major plan of action
was devised for the next triennium.
1990 : Publication by CARCAE of a major study, "A Survey of
Adult Education in
the Caribbean : Policy, Practice, Impacts
and Projections".
1992 : Establishment of the International Literacy Support
Service in the Caribbean
(St. Lucia) for a period of two (2)
Meeting of the Fourth General
Assembly in Curacao. The nominee of the
Dutch Caribbean is elected as the
CARCAE Chairperson.
1995 : Meeting of the Fifth General Assembly in Jamaica under the
"Strengthening the Family through
Adult Education", and the publication of
a Manual, "Infusing Family
Values in all aspects of Adult Education".
Selection of Jamaica as the venue
for the 1999 General Assembly of the
International Council for Adult
Education (ICAE) from 16-24 May, 1999.
1998 : Meeting of the Sixth General Assembly in Bridgetown,
Barbados, with the
theme, "Adult Education for
Sustainable Development."