c/o Adult Education Unit, 51 Frederick Street, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, W.I.
and Ministry of Education, Alexandra Street, St. Clair, Trinidad & Tobago, W.I.
Tel. : 868-625-4091  Fax : 868-627-3359  Email : carcae@usa.net


In arriving at the Regional Agenda for Adult Education, there was a process of national consultations; the preparation and submission of country reports and discussions in four special interest groups at the Sixth Regional Assembly of CARCAE held from May 12-16, 1998 in Barbados. The Assembly underscored the philosophical commitment of CARCAE to lifelong learning, gender equity, community-based sustainable human development and the collaboration of governments, non-governmental organisations, the private sector and university and other tertiary level institutions in the pursuit of this commitment.

The working groups identified over fifteen (15) priority programme areas from which were distilled the programmes of focus for the Council. In pursuit of achieving developmental goals, the Assembly commits itself to pursuing the attached programme agenda and achieving the requisite targets during the next inter-assembly period.


Home Page / Historical Development / What We Do / 6th General Assembly / Regional Agenda for Adult Education

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